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The company: Sathi Care Ltd  is a domiciliary care organisation taking care of people in their own homes ensuring best comfort and quality of life in a homely environment.

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At Sathi Care Ltd we are always looking for innovative ways that will add value to the service user (SU) experience. The predominant way that we undertake this is through the comprehensive staff training programme. We are keen to develop a highly skilled and motivated workforce. They will become an effective support network who help to improve the wellbeing of SU and their informal cares by supporting them in a person-centred way.


Company activities: Our management culture ensures that all care activities are provided in a way that fully embraces SU independence and dignity. They are delivered with respect to SU choice and preferences. All staff will receive a full induction and additional training to deliver care and support to best practice standards. Each member of staff will be assessed for competence before they deliver support independently.


Salim Khan, the registered manager, has been a prolific trainer and assessor in health and care for long years. He has worked with the World Bank, United Nations Development Programme and DFID/HLSP training consultants in Asia spanning over two decades. Sathi Care also operates as a national training centre of City & Guilds to offer level 2 training in health care, care,  and child care. The trainees will be drawn from NHS Hospitals, private hospitals, nursing homes, care homes, extra care, domiciliary care etc. The aim of this training programme is to enhance the skills and motivation of trainees so that they can perform and produce high level of customer satisfaction.


In its recent inspection report (March 2022) Care Quality Commission made the following observations 'The registered manager told us staff have already done the Care Certificate and I am planning to repeat the Care Certificate training. I will be organising an institutional course at my office.' And the CQC report went on to say 'The registered manager told us they had an agreement with the Department of Work and Pensions to train young people aged 16 to 24 to increase their employability and encourage them to enter the care industry.'


Care workers (CWs) will be supported to gain the care certificate level 2 as well as other training appropriate to the needs of the SUs they are supporting. The focus of our training   is to enhance the skills of the staff and motivate them to perform to the best of their abilities. We aim to use these skills to benefit SUs and ensure that they have an enhanced quality of life as well as positive experience of care in a safe environment.      


Innovation: The whole workforce of SCL, frontline CWs, office staff and managers are focused on meeting the needs of SUs and supporting their informal carers. We use new ideas whenever we can to ensure that we support people to the best of our abilities.  


Continuous improvement: When we receive feedback from the use of quality monitoring tools we use, we spend time as a management team to understand the information and action plan how we can make changes to improve.


For example, we received a complaint from a SU daughter that although the SU was satisfied with the support during the week, things were not working at the weekends. In response to this, the team leader (TL) generated a report from the ECM to identify who the CWs are in attendance and if there was anything concerning in the observations. It was identified that there had been a high level of sickness over the last 4 weeks and the CWs were having to cover a lot of calls. In response to the concern, extra staffing was arranged for the weekend mornings and training was arranged.

We hope that a clinical governance system will promote an effective work culture which will include safeguarding and medicine management.


We will work in partnership with other agencies to ensure that Service User experiences an enhanced quality of life. When working with Service Users with dementia, Care Assistants will undergo training including ‘feelings matter most’   this will enable them to think about how they can promote the wishes of someone with dementia and keep them safe, things like supporting them to go out to places they have enjoyed in the past such as the local park, market or football match.


All Care Assistants will receive bespoke training to be able to identify simple pieces of assistive technology and equipment that can aid recovery, promote independence and safety. The care Assistants will be trained to alert the coordinators to the potential and then the items can be sourced from the appropriate place such as Occupational Therapists or social Services.


Care Assistants will become skilled and experienced at using encouragement techniques to engage Service Users to undertake tasks that they can do for themselves but are avoiding, things alike visiting the GP. This includes a care assistant who supported a service user to a GP appointment, he really did not want to go but she suggested if he went they could have a coffee at the local café on their way back. This technique encouraged him to make the most of the opportunity.


We have a safeguarding lead within SCL who supports the wider staff team to understand and respond to safeguarding. Their role complements the training we provide. Our safeguarding lead also ensures that we record and report all incidents correctly and provides a single point of contact for Commissioners and other professionals involved in any incidents relating to service users that we are providing a service to.   

We use various tools to support clinical governance at SCL including regular internal and external audit, training and development of staff and effective risk management (including positive risk taking).      


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